Boxing is considered one of the dearest games by men as they find it very interesting and pride themselves on manhood. There are fights like Tommy fury fight Jake Paul which goes on a personal level thereby increasing the curiosity of people two times. Apart from it, there are many myths associated with Boxing, and today we will try to enumerate some of these myths correlated by people with boxing and boxers as well.
Women cannot be good boxers
One of the most common myths that we have about boxing is that women cannot be good boxers. All chivalrous and macho actions can be done by men only and women got nothing to do with boxing. This is quite acceptable in a world where men are more privileged than women or we can say patriarchal society. People who believe in the poor boxing skills of women must understand that we have boxers like Mary Kom, Katie Taylor, and Christy Martin who are proving their space in the boxing rings and rubbing shoulders with men.
Boxers are not having a human heart with emotions
There is a common perception of people about boxers that people who plunge into the field of boxing become heartless. They do not feel and empathize with human emotions and do not relate to humanity also. But this is not the case as we have seen many boxers doing charity and supporting underprivileged people from across the globe. So this notion of boxers being emotion-free can be checked out with genuine reasons and substantiations. Boxers are also humans and they too go through the same emotions as we common people do.
A person having a lean body cannot be a boxer
This is a fact that the majority of the boxers are having good volume of subcutaneous fat which gives them a bulkier appearance. As a result of which people find that those having a lean body cannot be good boxers or will not be selected as boxers. In order to be a boxer, one must possess a giant body that can totally be ignored. The only thing that is important in boxing is your skills to beat the counterpart in the ring rest everything does not really matter in boxing. So we can omit this myth that people with lean bodies cannot be boxers professionally.
Being calm and patients are not a virtue of boxers
There is a very famous and widely accepted myth related to boxing that a person with calm and patient behavior cannot be a good boxer. We can also say that a boxer is not supposed to show calmness and patience even if he is full of calmness from the inside. This is something very outdated and modern-day boxers do not believe in such things and myths as we have seen many boxers show very calmness when they come out of the ring and even talk to their fans as well. The above statement or myth for boxing thus can be proved wrong based on the facts cited here.
Boxers cannot have a happy married life
Now the final and most absurd thing that you can hear about boxers or boxing is that people in a boxing career cannot be supposed to have a stable married life. This is because such people are mostly aggressive and cannot sustain the family and marriage due to their aggression. Thanks to the weddings of boxers that are taking place and giving a slam to such myth. Although many boxers choose not to marry it is purely a personal decision and boxing got nothing to do with such matters. You cannot be stopped to marry in any profession until or unless you have your personal choices for the same.
These are some common myths that we hear regularly about boxing and start believing in them as well. But as educated and social beings of the earth, we must understand the facts and realities before believing them in a gullible manner. People can spread rumors and myths but it depends upon us whether to accept and believe in them or just go through our instincts and understanding about the things. We cannot discourage new boxers to come into the profession of boxing which has such trivial myths.
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