Is Football Better than Soccer?


Louis Saha mattori

It is a bit unfair to compare two games on the grounds of their superiority. For example, we can see that soccer and football both are equally popular games across the globe. If we forget Benzamine Mandy for being accused with Louis Saha mattori of rape charges both the games are free of disgrace too. Even sometimes folk manages to use these terms interchangeably which is not correct technically. So here we will talk about which is better football and soccer. Majority of the people sides with football when it comes to choosing a better game out of football and soccer. So we will try to know if that is football really better than soccer and if yes then on which grounds. Here is a complete discourse on this matter.

What is the difference between football and soccer?

Well, soccer is a game that is played with round-shaped balls and players have to make a goal by taking the ball through their feet to the goal place. The use of hands is restricted in Soccer. On the contrary, when it comes to football it is also following similar rules to soccer but soccer is considered more challenging than football. The rules of soccer are a bit more tiresome and need a high level of mental and physical endurance of the player. Americans are mostly using the term soccer by separating it from football. The rest of the world is even using both terms interchangeably. So we can say that soccer is a type of football that follow almost similar rules to that of football. There could be different types of football but soccer is only one.

Can we use the terms football and soccer interchangeably in America?

American football and soccer are different on minor grounds where the difference lies mainly in the kind of ball used to play the game. A round-shaped ball defines soccer while in the case of football the shape of the ball is a bit tapering at the ends like we can say the elongated shape. So in the American context, we can see this ground difference apart from minor variations in the ground when we compare football and soccer.

Why Football is considered better than Soccer?

Here are a few reasons why people consider football better than soccer and why they prefer playing football over soccer.

1. Lesser chances of injuries in Football than in soccer

The first thing that makes football better than soccer is that there are lesser chances of injuries in football as compared to soccer. People find soccer a difficult game that needs much strength and also the chances of injury are higher according to the folk when it comes to soccer. That is why they find football as the best game for them to play without causing any injury to them. This is not something that we can say about professionals but common folk always prefer to play and find football best over soccer.

2. Football is a bit easier than Soccer to play

When it comes to playing soccer one needs to maintain a very high level of endurance and stamina. Both physical and mental endurance is required to play soccer perfectly. This is not the case with football which is a bit easier than soccer. You can play football even if you have a comparatively lower fitness level and poor stamina. Although it is not possible to play football if you are totally unfit and do not have good stamina up to an average or above-average level.

3. Football is a game for one and all

People have a notion that football is meant for one and all as its difficulty level and rules are framed by keeping the unprofessional folk in mind as well. On the contrary, when it comes to soccer we can see very strict rules and professionalism is maintained in the game. That is the reason why people have an inclination toward football over soccer.

4. Football more popular than soccer

The majority of the tournaments and online video games are based on football and not soccer. So owing to the high popularity of football it is again considered the best game by the masses.


So we can conclude to a point that both soccer and football are good games and share too many common rules as well. The only reason that can be traced for the superiority of football over soccer in the brains of people is its easiness. They find football is meant for everyone and requires less stamina when it is subjected to comparison with soccer. That is the main cause why people find football better than soccer or we can say that they do not appreciate soccer as much owing to its hard rules and difficulty to play.  
