Do you know how to Make Money Playing Video Games in 2023

Earn money engaging in video games. Doesn't that sound like an ideal fantasy? However, this dream is now a reality for many people. Once you know your options to achieve this, it may seem like a manageable stretch.


We've compiled the most common ways video games can earn you money. Every strategy will only work for some since learning how to earn money from video games is ongoing; however, it should provide some suggestions for beginning your journey.

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How can you earn money through video games


It's essential to create plans if you wish to know how to earn money, whether it's a full-time job or as an extra income. Knowing what you'd like to achieve and the steps you have to take can assist you in achieving your goals with greater efficiency. There are several alternatives to earning money by playing video games.



Suppose you're a fan of video games or would like to be familiar with streaming and streamers such as Pewdiepie, Ninja, Shroud, and Dr. DisRespect. It's not in any way to confuse with streaming on Netflix or a different type of streaming; this kind of streaming is when someone broadcasts their video game play in front of an audience live.


Video game streaming is available on various platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, Twitch and more. The more well-known the streamer's name is, the greater chances to earn money are offered. Usually, an individual streamer's popularity is primarily based on the number of viewers enrolled in their channel.


There's no one specific game or genre of video games that you must be a part of to be a successful streaming player. The streamers with the highest number of viewers typically play various games, even though they prefer to stick to specific genres. This flexibility helps streamers earn more money since they're not restricted in the type of content they can create.

How do Twitch streamers (and others on different platforms) earn money? It's dependent on the circumstances; however, here are some strategies to earn money streaming:


Revenue from advertising: If you've seen a streaming video game, you've likely seen ads at one point. Incorporating ads into streams could help a streamer earn income since those who pay for the ads get their products or services to the viewers of the streamer. The streamer is paid, and the advertiser will get some visitors, resulting in an all-win scenario.


Subscriptions: Many of the biggest streamers are available on one platform, such as Twitch or YouTube, allowing users to join and enjoy other perks. It usually costs a few dollars to join, but it may be worth it without needing to watch the same amount of ads or for additional benefits such as accessing a subscriber-only Discord channel. The streaming service and the platform typically share profits from subscribing (called Subscriptions).


Sponsorships: Streamers can be described as influencers since they're usually capable of influencing confident choices their viewers make. Companies attempt to increase the popularity of streaming by allowing them to speak about particular topics, use specific products, or play particular games. Suppose you spot streaming players playing games that they would only sometimes play. In that case, a video game manufacturer has sponsored the period (paying streaming players to participate in the game). Similarly, streaming players could be offered an agreement with a particular gaming headset or energy drink.


Tips: Would you like to stream? Do you prefer watching a video about your favorite sport? Offer the streamer the opportunity to leave a comment. Most streaming platforms include tools that allow you to give streamers real cash with your PayPal account or debit or credit card.


Producing content: Watching a thrilling battle or fantastic game in a live stream is quite remarkable, but what happens you do if you want to watch it? Luckily, streamers are adept at using social media and have put the best of their streaming content onto channels like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook. The growth of their followers through social media offers new opportunities for making profits, often through sponsored content.


Becoming a well-known streamer's a challenging task, but it's doable. You can make an income, even if you are not the most well-known streamer on your platform. Like any other job, you must enjoy what you do rather than just looking to earn money. Developing an audience and discovering your niche as a streaming artist takes time and effort. So it's ideal to begin your stream as a side business instead of jumping into full-time.


If you'd like to concentrate on creating content without the burden on a real-time audience, you could consider creating "let's play" or other kinds of walkthrough or tutorial videos for video games. Let's play videos are a video that shows someone playing the game on video. It can be scripted, humorous, or even have tips and tricks to play the game. It could contain all of these things. There is no one way to succeed when it comes to creating and editing videos about games on video.


When you think about creating content, viewers are usually drawn toward original material or unique versions of existing content. They are also attracted to those enjoying themselves or proficient (or both) in the sport they're playing.

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If you can get to these points and increase your audience, you can start making monetization choices similar to those you see with a vast streamer audience simply by creating and editing your own games. It could earn money through ads on your YouTube channel or other platforms, making paid videos, etc.


It is possible to ask why anyone would want to see the video of another gaming on video. Why not play the game by yourself, then? It's an additional entertainment form and could be used for educational purposes. You may need to learn how to progress past some level or apply a particular new skill you have just acquired. A short video that answers your questions may prove helpful when you return to playing the game. You might also enjoy the antics of one person playing video games.


From a different perspective, game designers (like Microsoft and Amazon) might find videos of their games helpful -- mainly when glitches in your game require fixing in upcoming games.

Downloading apps


Did you know there's an opportunity to earn money from video games that do not require streaming, making content, or participating in massive tournaments? It's true; you don't need an expensive gaming setup or equipment to start. With a smartphone you use every day or another gadget (iOS and Android), it is possible to download games that make money and earn cash right now. Also, the games you can try are probably ones you've played before.

Take Solitaire Cash, for example. Everybody knows Solitaire for its role as one of those games that are free and generally available on every new computer. It is a game you can play when you're bored and are looking to have fun while you're having fun. Solitaire Cash is a game that lets you play Solitaire Cash; you'll have the chance to play a variety of variations of the traditional Solitaire game, and, with a twist, you could earn real cash! For more information, check out our Solitaire Cash review.


Bottom line


A few years ago, earning cash and playing games took work. In our current, technology-driven world, there are many opportunities to turn your video game passion into a lucrative career and earn lots of money. Even if it's not a job, it's a decent side hustle to earn a little extra cash.


However, if you need more time to make money from video games is the best option for you, Don't worry -- there are plenty of methods to earn some extra cash. For more money-making options, please look at our list of top side hustles.

